
We are biomedical data experts. Voredos S.R.L. was founded in 2018 to meet the needs of cutting edge bioinformatics data handling. Whether academic lab, small biotech or large pharma: product development and research in the 21st century is increasingly driven by large amounts of data.

Efficient handling of these requires both biological understanding as well as informatics know how. Our team leverages over two decades of combined bioinformatics experience across a broad range of fields. We partner with highly skilled software developers and cloud computing experts to deliver cutting edge solutions.

Areas of expertise include but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoires (AIRR-seq, Immune Repertoires, BCR, TCR, Rep-Seq)
  • Epigenetic Data (Methylation & Hydroxymethylation from RRBS)
  • Cloud computing and network infrastructure
  • Database design and setup
  • Fully automated data processing of large batches
  • Transcriptomic data (RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, Arrays)